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I can’t tell you everything about Nakita Fox, because I don’t even know that myself. This is a personal project, a journey, and I invite you to come along for the ride.

In 2015 I began modelling for fun.
Sometime during 2017 I realised I could make money from it.
And now, at the end of 2018, I’ve begun to comprehend that I can create experiences from it.

I am Nakita Fox, and I am the sum of my experiences. I am pushing myself to experience everything that I can, teaching and sharing my art with the world.

At the end of 2018, after coasting through the past few years, toying with the possibilities of NOT getting married, buying a house, and having kids, I decided to throw myself in the deep end and enter the world of art, creation, travel and learning.

You could call me many things. I’m a twenty-something white girl from New Zealand. I’m a daughter, a university graduate, and dance teacher. I’m also a sex worker, a mental health advocate, and a regular human doing my best to find happiness. You could call me an adult travel blogger, but with naked people instead of restaurant reviews.

I have a core set of values that I use to approach everything that I do. For me, this isn’t just a job; it’s my life. And therefore I treat my work with the respect, focus, and care that it deserves. I am an independent artist. I don’t work for big companies making the rich richer. In saying that, all of my work involves others, be it the other creators I’m working with at the time, private clients, or the eventual audience, and I make sure my values are clearly seen in every step I take.

When first finding people to work with, I ensure that I show inclusivity, especially of minority groups. You’ll see a large portion of creators that I work with are LGBTQ+. I want to be able to fairly represent everyone, no matter their gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation or body shape.

Honesty is one of my core values. When creating collaborative works, I want to make something that represents that person and what they stand for. If they connect with nature, we will head outdoors to shoot. If they have a strong connection with their partner, we will create work around that. If they want to explore, we’ll come up with a concept that pushes their boundaries in a safe environment, without breaking them, and we will learn from that experience. We will discuss our concepts at length with all involved until everyone is happy and their voices are heard. Not only that, but we are always very clear about where the works will be published, and making sure that everyone fully understand and is okay with that too. Whilst doing this, we always encourage sexual positivity, sexual education and safe sex. Not only that, mental health and emotional support is a priority to us. I always keep in touch with my fellow creators in the days and weeks following a shoot, and more often than not, we become lifelong friends.

From this comes ethical creation. Profits from any works are split equally between all creators. Most of the time, the people I work with are also independent content creators. This way, their not just getting paid, they’re also getting content to share and resell on their own platforms.

I invite you to join me in my journey – Using the mediums of modelling and photography, working with sexual concepts and breaking sociological perspectives set by the generations above us to connect with and educate both my fellow creators and my audience. I post candidly here on my blog, sharing through writing what I learn from these experiences on humanity and the society we live in. I’m curious to explore new ideas, new awareness, and how to be not just content with the human condition but to challenge it and be enraptured by it.

For those of you wanting a deeper insight into my life and work, I’m so excited to soon be able to share with you a Members Only area which will offer full access and insight into my creations.

Nearly all of the good things in life, I haven’t earned myself. I’ve learned them through experiences of my own or that others have shared with me.  Now I’m ready to share them with you.